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88255464 - 9821+

Dental Tip Snip Gutta Percha Cutter

from 0 Vote

    Product Features

  • Number in Package : 1 pcs
  • Manufacturing Country : China

Technical Specifications

  • Material
    Stainless Steel
  • Number in Package
    1 pcs

General information

  • Manufacturing Country
  • Manufacturing company / brand
    united dental group
  • Warranty
    Guarantee of product authenticity and health
  • Standard

Dental Tip Snip Gutta Percha Cutter

A Dental Tip Snip Gutta Percha Cutter is a specialized tool used in endodontic procedures, specifically for cutting and shaping gutta-percha points. Gutta-percha is a rubber-like material commonly used to fill root canals after they have been cleaned and shaped. The tool is designed with a sharp, scissor-like mechanism that allows for precise cutting. It often includes features like a gauge for measuring the length of the gutta-percha points, ensuring accurate and consistent preparation. The cutter is typically made from stainless steel or aluminum, providing durability and ease of sterilization.
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