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88255464 - 9821+

Hand sanitizer solution (alcohol) 500cc

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    Product Features

  • Size : 500 cc
  • Number in Package : 1 pcs

Technical Specifications

  • Size
    500 cc
  • Number in Package
    1 pcs

General information

  • Manufacturing Country
  • Manufacturing company / brand
  • Warranty
    Guarantee of product authenticity and health

Alcohol spray

Alcohol spray is a high quality hand sanitizer that is 99.99% effective against bacteria and is a suitable option for disinfecting hands and surfaces. Due to the use of emollients, it keeps the skin soft and smooth and does not dry it out, so it is ideal for repeated use. Recommended for use in healthcare, public restrooms, homes, offices, restaurants, trains, and clinics, airplanes, offices and other areas where hand disinfection is required.
Septatec, a very powerful disinfection solution without the need for rinsing, with a 70% alcohol base and a volume of 500 cc, produced in Qazvin Bidistan Company, is distributed in the market by Gol Tab Alborz Company.
This solution is antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral and has a high ability to destroy viruses and bacteria such as the corona virus. Septatec disinfectant solution evaporates very quickly and does not need water or towel to dry it.
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