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Orthodontic Micro Implant China

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    Product Features

  • length : Available in different lengths
  • Number in Package : 1 pcs

Technical Specifications

  • length
    Available in different lengths
  • Material
    Stainless Steel
  • Number in Package
    1 pcs

General information

  • Manufacturing Country
  • Warranty
    Guarantee of product authenticity and health
  • Standard

Mini Implant

Gol Tab Alborz Co. orthodontic Mini Implants are small metal screws that enter the gum in the jaw bone. Mini dental implants work like traditional implants, although the implantation process is less invasive and requires less supporting bone. These screws move the teeth to the correct position with their anchoring function. Although in the orthodontics of the surrounding teeth, it helps to move the teeth with a support function, but sometimes this support function cannot be used and there is a possibility of the tooth moving in the wrong direction. In such a situation, orthodontists suggest mini-implants as a stable support. It is recommended to use these mini titanium implants for several months.
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