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88255464 - 9821+

Arch Wire Niti Regular U IOS

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    Product Features

  • Size : Available in different sizes
  • Manufacturing Country : united states

Technical Specifications

  • Size
    Available in different sizes
  • Material
    NiTi (Nickel Titanium CM wire)

General information

  • Manufacturing Country
    united states
  • Warranty
    Guarantee of product authenticity and health

Orthodontics Archwire 

It is a wire that fits the dental arch, which is used along with dental brackets to correct the abnormalities of the teeth or as a retainer to maintain their current position. These wires create tension by passing through the grooves of orthodontic brackets and play an important role in adjusting the position of the teeth.
IOS regular archwire of Gol Tab Alborz Co. is always presented in its austenite phase. Its extraordinary rebound and memory features ensure optimal results without the need for adjustment or modification. It is perfect for opening deep bite cases and arch surface control during canine retraction, and it has 3D control of teeth movement to deal with the problem of chain closure.
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