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Band MBT 022 35 Sheet

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  • Manufacturing Country : China

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  • Material
    Stainless Steel

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Band MBT 022 35 Sheet

Orthodontic bands are crucial components in orthodontic treatment, especially for stabilizing orthodontic appliances on the molar (back) teeth. These bands are typically made from metal, such as stainless steel, though ceramic materials are also used in some cases. Orthodontic bands completely encircle the back teeth and are bonded to the tooth surface using strong dental adhesives.
The primary purpose of orthodontic bands is to create a secure anchor point for orthodontic tools such as archwires, tubes, hooks, and elastics. These bands act as anchorage points to transmit the necessary forces to move the teeth into their correct positions.
Additionally, orthodontic bands help to distribute the applied forces more evenly across the teeth, which can enhance the effectiveness and precision of the treatment. Since molar teeth play a key role in stabilizing and distributing forces, orthodontic bands are placed on these teeth to ensure that the orthodontic appliances function effectively.
Orthodontic bands may also feature small tubes and hooks that allow for the attachment of various other orthodontic devices, such as elastics or auxiliary wires. This versatility enables the orthodontist to fine-tune the treatment and achieve better outcomes.
Throughout the treatment process, orthodontic bands may be regularly checked and adjusted by the orthodontist to accommodate the changing needs of the treatment plan. After the treatment is complete, the bands are carefully removed, and the teeth are returned to their natural state.
MBT brackets (which stands for McLaughlin, Bennett, and Trevisi) is an orthodontic bracket system developed by three prominent orthodontists: Drs. McLaughlin, Bennett, and Trevisi. This system is designed based
on precise scientific and empirical principles to achieve better outcomes in orthodontic treatment.
The MBT system has unique features, including specific inclinations and angles for each tooth. These features allow the teeth to move more naturally and with greater precision into their final positions. Additionally, the MBT system has been improved in terms of efficiency and patient comfort, reducing treatment time and providing better results.
Compared to other orthodontic bracket systems, MBT offers advantages such as better control over tooth movement, fewer adjustments needed, and increased patient comfort.
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