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Bracket Phantom LP MBT .022 W/ hooks on 3s, 4s & 5s IOS

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    Product Features

  • Manufacturing Country : united states

General information

  • Manufacturing Country
    united states
  • Warranty
    Guarantee of product authenticity and health

Phantom bracket LPMBT 022. IOS

These brackets are made of high-quality ceramic materials, their ceramic type is tooth-colored, which makes them less visible and more attractive to patients.
- Low profile for maximum patient comfort and minimal occlusal interference
- Technology based on round gap to reduce bracket breakage
- With a base with a special coating to maintain excellent bonding
Bracket rebonding:
Make sure the bracket is not damaged.
Carefully remove any excess glue from the base.
Apply porcelain primer "100-411-17" to the base.
Follow the normal bonding procedure.
Bracket Removal :
Never remove ceramic brackets while the wire is in the slot.
Using pliers, grab the bracket mesiodistally from the base and rotate it slowly to remove it.
If some ceramic remains on the tooth, use another pliers.
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