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88255464 - 9821+

Buccal Tube Roth 022 NonConvertible China

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    Product Features

  • Manufacturing Country : China

Technical Specifications

  • Material
    Stainless Steel

General information

  • Manufacturing Country
  • Warranty
    Guarantee of product authenticity and health
  • Standard

Orthodontic Buccal Tube

They are used to maintain archwires and brackets that are placed on the teeth. Bonded or welded to the outer surfaces of molar teeth in orthodontics, buccal tubes are small tube-like pieces that hold archwires and other orthodontic appliances in place. Buccal tubes are usually made of metal, plastic or ceramic.
During the period of orthodontic treatment, the buccal tubes are first attached to the molar teeth with dental glue. In the next step, orthodontic archwires are passed through the buccal tube. Better movement of teeth as a result of more effective application of forces during treatment is one of the advantages of using buccal tubes and causes more optimal placement of teeth in their correct positions. In order to achieve better results, it is customary to use other devices such as bands and elastics.
Features of Roth Non-Convertible Buccal Tubes
  1. - Non-Convertible: The term "Non-Convertible" means that these buccal tubes are designed to be permanent and cannot be converted into a bracket or other components. In other words, they are fixed in place and cannot be changed to a different type.
  2. - Roth Design: These buccal tubes are specifically designed for the Roth bracket system. The Roth system incorporates specific angles and settings to optimize tooth movement and achieve precise results in orthodontic treatment. The buccal tubes are compatible with these settings.
  3. - Role in Orthodontic Treatment: Buccal tubes serve as anchor points for the archwires at the back of the molars and help in securing and guiding the wires. They also allow for easy replacement or adjustment of the wires.
  4. - Material: Roth Non-Convertible buccal tubes are typically made of stainless steel, which provides durability and resistance to corrosion. These materials are also safe for contact with oral tissues.
This type of buccal tube is often chosen in cases where frequent changes are not required during treatment. The selection of buccal tubes depends on the specific needs of the patient and the treatment plan established by the orthodontist.
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