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88255464 - 9821+

C-Root SP Biocermic Root Canal Sealer

from 0 Vote

    Product Features

  • Number in Package : 1 pcs
  • Manufacturing Country : China

Technical Specifications

  • Number in Package
    1 pcs
  • Other features
    Creating a strong chemical bond between the sealer and the dentin

General information

  • Manufacturing Country
  • Manufacturing company / brand
  • Warranty
    Guarantee of product authenticity and health
  • Standard
    FDA & CE
  • ISO standard

Technical Specifications Root Canal Sealer

  • Weight
    Available in weights, 1 gr and 2 gr
  • material

A bioceramic sealer consisting of strontium silicate, zirconia, calcium phosphate and calcium hydroxide. It hardens in the presence of water and causes bone healing and dentine mineralization and limits bacterial activity.




Biocompatible and osteogenic
Rapid periapical healing
Consistent flow
Construct strong chemical bonding
between sealer material and dentin
Mild post-up reaction
High antibacterial(pH > 12)
Zero shrinking
Enhanced ability to promote bone healing
Strontium element can promote osteogenesis
as well as angiogenesis
Successful sealing
Anti-inflammatory, greatly inhibits inflammatory
factors such as TNF-α or PGE2



sealer root canal

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