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Crimpable Hooks ''Straight'' Long IOS

from 0 Vote

    Product Features

  • Manufacturing Country : united states

Technical Specifications

  • Material
    Stainless Steel

General information

  • Manufacturing Country
    united states
  • Manufacturing company / brand
  • Warranty
    Guarantee of product authenticity and health
  • Standard
    FDA & CE

he Crimpable Hooks (Straight) Long Model by IOS (International Orthodontic Services) are specialized orthodontic tools designed for precision and convenience in orthodontic treatment. These hooks are part of the orthodontic bonding system, attaching to braces and archwires.

Features and Specifications:

  • Straight Design: These hooks are designed in a straight shape, making them suitable for use at various points within the orthodontic system.

  • Long Length: These hooks are longer than standard models, making them ideal for specific applications where more precise force is needed during different phases of treatment.

  • Crimpable: These hooks can easily be crimped, meaning they can be secured onto the orthodontic wire by applying pressure. This crimping feature provides flexibility in positioning and using the hooks in different areas of the mouth.

  • Easy to Use: Crimpable hooks are easily installed by orthodontists on the archwires without the need for soldering or welding.


  • These hooks are commonly used for attaching elastics or bands and serve as anchoring points to apply additional force to the archwires and braces.
  • They are especially beneficial in cases where more precise control of tooth movement is required.


  • These hooks are made from corrosion-resistant metals, typically stainless steel or durable alloys, making them well-suited for the oral environment and capable of remaining in the patient's mouth for extended periods.


  • Quick and easy installation
  • High flexibility in positioning
  • Strong and durable design for long-term use throughout treatment
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