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Orthodontic Elastomeric Thread - IOS

from 0 Vote

    Product Features

  • Number in Package : 1 pcs
  • Manufacturing Country : united states

Technical Specifications

  • Material
  • Number in Package
    1 pcs

General information

  • Manufacturing Country
    united states
  • Manufacturing company / brand
  • Warranty
    Guarantee of product authenticity and health
  • Standard
    FDA & CE

The American brand IOS (International Orthodontic Services) Orthodontic Elastomeric Thread is a specialized product in the field of orthodontics. Below, Gol Teb Alborz provides an overview of the applications and manufacturing technology of these threads:

Applications of Elastomeric Threads in Orthodontics:

  1. Tooth Alignment: These elastomeric threads are typically used for adjusting and correcting the position of teeth and jaws. They are utilized in orthodontic systems to apply controlled pressure on the teeth.

  2. Closing Gaps: A common application of these threads is closing gaps between teeth or spaces left after tooth extractions.

  3. Tooth Stabilization: They can assist in stabilizing corrected teeth and are used in the final stages of orthodontic treatment.

Manufacturing Technology:

  1. Elastomeric Materials: These threads are made from specific elastomeric materials that provide them with suitable flexibility and stretch. These materials are usually silicone or latex compounds, chosen for their high durability and elastic properties.

  2. Production Process: Orthodontic elastomeric threads are generally produced through advanced processes that involve precise stretching and shaping of elastomeric materials. These processes ensure that the threads are manufactured uniformly and to a high standard.

  3. Quality and Standards: The American brand IOS typically focuses on high production quality and standards to ensure that their products meet the highest standards of performance and durability.

These threads help orthodontists perform precise and effective treatments, leading to better outcomes in orthodontic care.

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