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88255464 - 9821+

Ortho Lip Protector - IOS

from 0 Vote

    Product Features

  • Number in Package : 2 pcs
  • Manufacturing Country : united states

Technical Specifications

  • Material
  • Number in Package
    2 pcs

General information

  • Manufacturing Country
    united states
  • Manufacturing company / brand
  • Warranty
    Guarantee of product authenticity and health
  • Standard

The Lip Protector - Pair is an orthodontic accessory designed to protect the lips from irritation and abrasion caused by braces. These protectors are placed over the brackets to prevent direct contact between the lips and the braces, reducing discomfort and helping to avoid sores on the lips and inside the mouth.

Main uses of this product:

  1. Protects lips and gums: Braces can cause sores and irritation in the mouth. The Lip Protector creates a protective barrier between the braces and the lips to prevent these issues.
  2. Reduces pain and discomfort: This protector is particularly useful for patients who feel discomfort or pain due to the braces rubbing against the soft tissues of the mouth.
  3. Suitable for wind instrument players: Those who play wind instruments may experience irritation on their lips due to the pressure applied to the mouth. These protectors are designed to prevent such problems.
  4. Fits all types of brackets: This product is designed to fit all kinds of orthodontic braces.

The product comes in a pair, with one piece for the upper jaw and one for the lower jaw. It typically stays securely in place for easy and comfortable use by the patient.

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