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88255464 - 9821+

M3 C File (31mm)

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    Product Features

  • Size : Available in different sizes
  • length : 31mm
  • Number in Package : 6 pcs

Technical Specifications

  • Size
    Available in different sizes
  • length
  • Material
    Stainless Steel
  • Number in Package
    6 pcs

General information

  • Manufacturing Country
  • Manufacturing company / brand
    united dental group
  • Warranty
    Guarantee of product authenticity and health
  1. C-Files:

    • Structure: These files are made of stainless steel and have a sharp tip with angled cuts.
    • Application: Used for locating and accessing difficult and narrow canals.
    • Features: Greater strength and sharpness help dentists access complex canals.

Applications of Hand Files in Dentistry

  1. Cleaning Root Canals:

    • Removing pulp tissue remnants and infectious materials from within the canal.
    • Preparing the canal for filling with specific materials like gutta-percha.
  2. Shaping Root Canals:

    • Reshaping the canal to facilitate easy filling with filling materials.
    • Creating a smooth and uniform path for subsequent tools.
  3. Evaluation and Diagnosis:

    • Assessing the length and shape of the canal.
    • Diagnosing potential issues such as blockages or excessive curvature of the canal.

Important Tips for Using Hand Files in Dentistry

  1. Sterilization: Always sterilize files carefully before use.
  2. Proper Selection: Choose the appropriate file based on the type and complexity of the canal.
  3. Control Pressure: Avoid applying excessive pressure on the files to prevent breakage.
  4. Use Lubricants: Use lubricants to reduce friction and facilitate the movement of files within the canal.
  5. Regular Inspection: Regularly inspect files for signs of wear or breakage and replace them if necessary
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