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Face Bow, Medium - IOS

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    Product Features

  • Number in Package : 1 pcs
  • Manufacturing Country : united states

Technical Specifications

  • Material
    Stainless Steel
  • Number in Package
    1 pcs

General information

  • Manufacturing Country
    united states
  • Manufacturing company / brand
  • Warranty
    Guarantee of product authenticity and health
  • Standard
    FDA & CE

The Orthodontic Face Bow from the American brand IOS (International Orthodontic Services) is a crucial and specialized tool used in orthodontic treatments to control the movement of teeth and jaws. Typically used in combination with other orthodontic devices like headgear, this appliance plays a key role in correcting dental and jaw irregularities.

Features and Specifications:

  1. Precise and Ergonomic Design: IOS Face Bows are engineered with precision and ergonomics in mind, ensuring patient comfort throughout the orthodontic treatment. This design helps reduce excess pressure on the teeth and jaws and prevents irritation or discomfort.

  2. High-Quality Materials: Made from durable, rust-resistant materials such as medical-grade stainless steel, these face bows offer longevity and resistance to corrosion. This makes the product suitable for long-term use in the mouth.

  3. Used for Correcting Jaw Irregularities: Face bows are utilized for correcting jaw and dental issues, such as a retruded upper jaw or excessive forward movement of the front teeth. Combined with headgear, the device provides the right amount of pressure to gradually move the teeth and jaws into their correct position.

  4. Compatibility with Various Orthodontic Systems: IOS Face Bows are designed to be fully compatible with various orthodontic systems and other auxiliary devices such as headgear and orthodontic bands, offering greater flexibility in treatment.

  5. Available in Different Sizes: IOS face bows come in multiple sizes to accommodate patients with varying needs. The orthodontist can select the appropriate size based on the patient’s requirements.

Advantages of Using IOS Face Bow:

  • Precise and Controlled Tooth Movement: This tool helps guide the teeth and jaws gradually and accurately to their correct positions.
  • Reduced Patient Discomfort: Its ergonomic design prevents discomfort or sores in the mouth and jaws.
  • Reliable and Effective Results: With high-quality materials and precise design, these face bows provide effective and reliable treatment results.

Main Applications:

  • Class II Malocclusion Treatment: The face bow is often used to correct issues such as overbites and excessive forward movement of the front teeth.
  • Upper Jaw Positioning Correction: This device helps guide the upper jaw into its correct position over time.
  • Aiding in Teeth Alignment: When combined with other orthodontic appliances, the face bow helps align the teeth correctly.


The IOS Orthodontic Face Bow is an efficient and specialized tool that plays a vital role in orthodontic treatments with its high-quality design and compatibility. By providing precise and controlled movement of teeth and jaws, this product helps orthodontists achieve the best possible results for their patients.


Each Face Bow is constructed from two pieces that are welded together by laser technology.


  • Outer Bow Wire Size: 0.72" diameter
  • Inner Bow Wire Size: 0.45" diameter
  • Protection Cap: Equipped with a cap at the end for added safety and comfort
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