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Spring Counter Clockwise - Left - IOS

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    Product Features

  • Manufacturing Country : united states

General information

  • Manufacturing Country
    united states
  • Manufacturing company / brand
  • Warranty
    Guarantee of product authenticity and health
  • Standard

Uprighting Spring Counter Clockwise - Left is an orthodontic tool used for correcting the position of teeth and assisting in proper alignment. Here are some details about this product:

  1. Function: This spring is used to correct and uprigh the tilted teeth, specifically those leaning to the left. It operates by rotating counterclockwise (opposite to the direction of the clock’s hands) to apply the necessary pressure to guide the teeth into their correct position.

  2. Design: The spring is designed to apply a consistent and precise pressure on the teeth to gradually move them into the correct alignment. This ensures accurate positioning without causing damage to the teeth or gums.

  3. Use in Orthodontic Treatment: This tool is typically used in orthodontic treatments and can be part of a larger orthodontic appliance. It helps orthodontists achieve precise results in the alignment and correction of teeth.

  4. Adjustments: The spring is usually adjusted carefully in the counterclockwise direction to ensure the appropriate pressure is applied for necessary corrections.

As an orthodontic tool, the uprighting spring plays a crucial role in improving and correcting the alignment of teeth.

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