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88255464 - 9821+

Ultrasonic Rotary File M3

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    Product Features

  • Size : Available in different sizes
  • length : 32mm

Technical Specifications

  • Size
    Available in different sizes
  • length
  • Material
    NiTi (Nickel Titanium CM wire)

General information

  • Manufacturing Country
  • Manufacturing company / brand
    M3 Brand
  • Warranty
    Guarantee of product authenticity and health

Ultrasonic rotary file for root canal treatment

The ultrasonic rotary file is an advanced tool designed for effective and precise root canal treatment. Using ultrasonic technology, this file improves the cleaning and shaping of the root canal system and ensures optimal results and improved patient outcomes.

Key features:
- Ultrasonic technology: creates high-frequency vibrations that facilitate the removal of debris and infectious tissue and increase the efficiency of canal cleaning.
- Durable construction: Made of high-quality materials that provide strength and flexibility, minimizing the risk of files becoming detached during use.
An ultrasonic rotary file is essential for root canal treatment, especially in cases with curved or narrow canals. By improving the cleaning and shaping process, it helps achieve complete disinfection of the root canal system, ultimately contributing to a higher success rate in root canal treatments.
Incorporate a dental ultrasonic rotary file into your office to enhance your endodontic capabilities - where innovation meets precision in endodontic care.
  • Ultrasonic devices create acoustic streaming in the irrigation solution and generate cavitation, which leads to the dislodgement and removal of the smear layer from the canal.
  • Ultrasonic files also have various other applications, such as removing broken files, posts, and cores.
  • These files are produced in standard ISO sizes 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, and a length of 32 mm.
  • High resistance to cyclic fatigue.
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