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Bracket Majestic MBT .022 IOS

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    Product Features

  • Manufacturing Country : united states

General information

  • Manufacturing Country
    united states
  • Manufacturing company / brand
  • Warranty
    Guarantee of product authenticity and health
  • Standard
    FDA & CE

Technical Specifications

  • Hook
    on 3s, 4s & 5s

Majestic MBT Bracket

Orthodontic brackets are crucial tools in orthodontic treatments, playing a key role in correcting dental and jaw irregularities. The Majestic MBT brackets from the IOS brand are one type of bracket available on the market that has gained attention from many orthodontists due to their unique features.
The Majestic MBT brackets, which are part of the MBT (McLaughlin, Bennett, and Trevisi) treatment philosophy, emphasize the efficient and effective movement of teeth. These brackets are made from high-quality ceramic or metal materials, with the ceramic version being tooth-colored, which makes them less visible and more aesthetically pleasing for patients.
The MBT design includes specific torque and angling in the bracket slot that allows for precise tooth movement. The ceramic materials are polished to a smooth and shiny surface, reducing friction and increasing patient comfort. The ceramic and metal MBT brackets are designed by IOS for strong adhesion with dental adhesives, ensuring they stay securely attached to the teeth throughout the treatment.
Compared to Phantom and Max Line brackets, Majestic MBT brackets may differ in aesthetics and performance. The Phantom and Max Line brackets also each have their own unique features that may be preferred in specific orthodontic treatments. Choosing the right bracket depends on the individual needs of the patient and the recommendations of the orthodontist.
For more information about orthodontic brackets and their differences, you can consult with the sales and technical advisors at Gol Teb Alborz. They can provide recommendations based on the dental conditions of your patient and help you select the best option. Choosing the right bracket can significantly impact the success of orthodontic treatment and patient satisfaction.
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