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Mini Bracket MBT 022 China

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    Product Features

  • Manufacturing Country : China

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General information

  • Manufacturing Country
  • Manufacturing company / brand
    united dental group
  • Warranty
    Guarantee of product authenticity and health
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It is one of the commonly used brackets in orthodontic treatments for aligning and straightening teeth. These brackets are very popular among patients and orthodontic specialists due to their smaller size and unique design. MBT stands for the names of the inventors of this system (McLaughlin, Bennett, and Trevisi) who contributed to their design.

Features of Mini Bracket MBT:

Smaller Size: These brackets are smaller than regular brackets, making them less noticeable on the teeth. Additionally, they are more comfortable for patients and cover less surface area of the tooth.

Precise and Efficient Design: The Mini Brackets MBT have a precise design with special features that allow the orthodontist to have greater control over tooth movement. These features include specific angles and torques for better and more accurate control of tooth movements.

MBT System: This system of brackets has a specific prescription that provides predetermined angles for the positions of the teeth. This scientific approach ensures that the movement of the teeth occurs methodically and ultimately leads to favorable results for the patient.

Less Visibility and More Comfort: Due to their smaller size, patients feel these brackets less, and they are also less noticeable in terms of aesthetics. Furthermore, the compact design reduces the likelihood of soft tissue damage in the mouth.

Clinical Applications: Mini Bracket MBT is used in various orthodontic treatments, including complex cases like dental and jaw anomalies. Due to its modern design and efficient system, it reduces treatment time and offers high precision in tooth movement.

The primary tool used in orthodontic treatment that gradually moves teeth into the appropriate positions over time.

The bracket consists of two main components, the base and the body, which are bonded onto the teeth during the bonding process and transmit pressure force to the teeth.

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